Are Safety Handbooks Still Needed In Todays Hi-Tech World ?

March 12, 2015 No Comments

In the old days, most employers printed their safety policy and safety rules in an employee handbook.  With most employers relying on computers for training and communications these days is there still a need for hard-copies of employee safety handbook?

Many employers use on-line, computer based training for training their employees in safety.  These computer training programs usually address the company’s safety policy and safety rules.  In these cases, the employer has it covered and would not need to also provide the employee with a paper copy of the  safety handbook – right?

Wrong!  Hard-copy employee safety handbooks are still needed, even if all of the materials in the handbook are also covered in the on-line training program!  

The reason that paper handbooks are still needed is so the employee can have them on their person (or at their workstation or job site) for ready access at a moments notice.  

Most factory workers and construction employees do not have immediate 24/7 access to a computer.  They would not be able to find an answer to their safety questions quickly if they needed to look it up on a computer.



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